Black Lives Matter. Today and Always.

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all doing well and taking care of yourselves mentally. There is a lot happening in the world right now and it can feel like a weight that’s sitting on your chest, but it’s important to remember that these growing pains are necessary. Not only are they necessary, but they are long overdue. There is no way to make up for the suffering the black community has had to endure so, instead, our society needs to reevaluate the very systems that oppress them. That includes looking inwards and honestly checking yourselves and the people closest to you. No person should ever be made to feel less than anyone else, especially because of the colour of their skin. And, sometimes, change can be uncomfortable. But isn’t a short period of feeling heavy, sad, and uncomfortable worth it if black lives stop getting taken? If an entire community of human beings feel safer, happier, and equal? It’s more than worth it.

Change starts with us.

I’m going to post this blog as a resource page and link a few places where you can donate, sign petitions and read up on what’s going on. It’s a small list but it’s a start.

Black Lives Matter. Yesterday. Today. Always.